Studio Policy

Tuition and fees Attendance
Tuition and Fees
Tuition: Tuition is charged by the school year, not by number of lessons held each individual month, and is payable through a variety of payment plans including equal monthly installments, semester pay, and yearly pay. Tuition reflects 32 lessons per school year, August through May. This studio follows the same calendar as the Peoria Unified School District. Lessons are not held on holidays unless otherwise noted on the studio calendar. Lessons are not held during Winter Break or Spring Break.
Monthly tuition is due no later than the 7th of each month and will be assessed a $10 fee when overdue. After two late payments, you will be asked to choose another payment option: automatic online bill pay through your bank, or payment in full for the semester in advance.
Summer tuition covering the months of June and July is payable in full or in installments. The first installment is due before the Spring Recital in May and is required for the student to participate in that recital.
Tuition for newly enrolling students:
Rotating Lessons: $92/month
Rotating Lessons, Piano and Voice: $174/month
Private Lessons, 30 minute: $135/month
Private Lessons, 45 minute, Piano and/or Voice with bonus 15 minute lab (total of 60 minutes): $200/month
Additional Lab Time, 15 minutes each lesson (approximately one hour each month): $12/month
Materials: Lesson books, Piano (acoustic piano is strongly recommended), Headphones (rotating students)
Enrollment Fee: $40
This is a one-time fee, due the first month of lessons. This fee will be applied to the students' last month of lessons when a parent follows the "Withdrawal" policy of the studio. (see below) It is not refundable.
Other Fees:
Fall registration fee: $15/student, due annually in June as part of summer tuition. This reserves the students' spot in the studio for the Fall semester.
Recital fee: $20/student, due annually in August or upon enrollment. (Families with 2 or more students enrolled: $10 each additional student)
Students are required to purchase their own method books and supplementary literature, such as hard copies of the students' recital or competition music. They may choose to order the books themselves or reimburse the teacher upon receipt. Other fees consist of the participation costs of any outside competitions or performances sponsored by the Phoenix Music Teachers Association, Keyboard Gymnastics, or professional organizations.
Summer Lessons: The months of June and July are considered the summer session. Summer lessons are very important to the progress and continuous learning of each student. A minimum of 4 to 7 lesson credits during these months are required in order to reserve a place in the studio’s schedule for the next school year. Students choosing not to enroll in the summer session will be placed on the waiting list. The summer lesson requirement can be fulfilled through both 1 credit regular lessons and 2-3 credit workshops to make it easier on busy families to fulfill this requirement in a short period of time, or students may continue to attend weekly as during the school year. Summer lessons are flexible and can be adjusted to work with any vacation schedule.
Withdrawal: In consideration of the time that a music teacher spends planning for her students' lessons, please give no less than a months' notice when terminating lessons; or in lieu of a notice, payment of the monthly fee for an additional month. The enrollment fee will be applied toward your last month of lessons only when a full months' notice is given. No refunds will be given for students who withdraw mid-month or mid-year. Before withdrawing from the studio, please discuss other options with the teacher (see "Parental Responsibilities").
Recitals: Recitals present an opportunity for listening as well as performing. Students are expected to attend recitals as an attentive, responsible audience member as well as a participant. All students should plan on attending recitals for their entire length, which is usually from 1 1/2 to 2 hours. Noting recital dates on your family calendar will be helpful in creating a performing environment free from unnecessary distraction. Missing a recital or leaving a recital early is grounds for dismissal from the studio. Parents, other family members, teachers, and friends are invited to these recitals.
Appropriate performance attire:
Boys-long pants, dress shirt and tie, sport shirt, sweater, or suit jacket
Girls- dress, skirt and blouse, dress pants and blouse (remember that dresses/skirts should be knee length since the performer will be sitting down) NO JEANS!
At some point, your child may say he/she is bored, doesn't want to practice, or wants to quit. 99% of all piano students say this at one or more points in their study! Do not allow giving up or quitting to be an option, any more than you would allow your child to quit math or reading because they find it difficult, boring, or do not want to do their homework. Interest, enjoyment, and dedication will naturally go through peaks and valleys when any new skill is being developed. Do not give up if your child appears to lose interest for a time. Instead, discuss this change with the teacher so that steps may be taken to remedy the situation. Students who persevere through difficult times often become the most successful musicians.
Please be sure to drop your child off and pick your child up on time. This studio observes a 5 minute drop off/pick up window. Please be certain that your child is safely inside my house before leaving. Remember, your child is your responsibility at all times, both before and after as well as during the lesson. Overall, be involved and be supportive!
The home piano should be tuned twice a year. This studio uses piano technician Lonnie Culp, for all piano maintenance.
Practice and Home Support: Quality practice outside of the lesson is essential to the student’s progress. Please encourage your child to develop consistent practice habits and provide a practice environment free of distractions. Encourage your child to practice daily by 1) helping the student find the time(s) that will consistently be used only for practice, 2) keeping the student free of other responsibilities during that time, and 3) keeping siblings and/or television, radio, etc. from interfering with and distracting the student during that time. Practicing is the joint responsibility of the student AND the parent. Students should strive to complete practice assignments on their own, but parents must be active in reminding the student to complete daily practice assignments should a student forget.
The study of music is rewarding and enjoyable, but it also takes diligence and hard work, on the part of the student as well as the parent!
Tuition: Tuition is charged by the school year, not by number of lessons held each individual month, and is payable through a variety of payment plans including equal monthly installments, semester pay, and yearly pay. Tuition reflects 32 lessons per school year, August through May. This studio follows the same calendar as the Peoria Unified School District. Lessons are not held on holidays unless otherwise noted on the studio calendar. Lessons are not held during Winter Break or Spring Break.
Monthly tuition is due no later than the 7th of each month and will be assessed a $10 fee when overdue. After two late payments, you will be asked to choose another payment option: automatic online bill pay through your bank, or payment in full for the semester in advance.
Summer tuition covering the months of June and July is payable in full or in installments. The first installment is due before the Spring Recital in May and is required for the student to participate in that recital.
Tuition for newly enrolling students:
Rotating Lessons: $92/month
Rotating Lessons, Piano and Voice: $174/month
Private Lessons, 30 minute: $135/month
Private Lessons, 45 minute, Piano and/or Voice with bonus 15 minute lab (total of 60 minutes): $200/month
Additional Lab Time, 15 minutes each lesson (approximately one hour each month): $12/month
Materials: Lesson books, Piano (acoustic piano is strongly recommended), Headphones (rotating students)
Enrollment Fee: $40
This is a one-time fee, due the first month of lessons. This fee will be applied to the students' last month of lessons when a parent follows the "Withdrawal" policy of the studio. (see below) It is not refundable.
Other Fees:
Fall registration fee: $15/student, due annually in June as part of summer tuition. This reserves the students' spot in the studio for the Fall semester.
Recital fee: $20/student, due annually in August or upon enrollment. (Families with 2 or more students enrolled: $10 each additional student)
Students are required to purchase their own method books and supplementary literature, such as hard copies of the students' recital or competition music. They may choose to order the books themselves or reimburse the teacher upon receipt. Other fees consist of the participation costs of any outside competitions or performances sponsored by the Phoenix Music Teachers Association, Keyboard Gymnastics, or professional organizations.
- Lessons and Attendance
Summer Lessons: The months of June and July are considered the summer session. Summer lessons are very important to the progress and continuous learning of each student. A minimum of 4 to 7 lesson credits during these months are required in order to reserve a place in the studio’s schedule for the next school year. Students choosing not to enroll in the summer session will be placed on the waiting list. The summer lesson requirement can be fulfilled through both 1 credit regular lessons and 2-3 credit workshops to make it easier on busy families to fulfill this requirement in a short period of time, or students may continue to attend weekly as during the school year. Summer lessons are flexible and can be adjusted to work with any vacation schedule.
Withdrawal: In consideration of the time that a music teacher spends planning for her students' lessons, please give no less than a months' notice when terminating lessons; or in lieu of a notice, payment of the monthly fee for an additional month. The enrollment fee will be applied toward your last month of lessons only when a full months' notice is given. No refunds will be given for students who withdraw mid-month or mid-year. Before withdrawing from the studio, please discuss other options with the teacher (see "Parental Responsibilities").
Recitals: Recitals present an opportunity for listening as well as performing. Students are expected to attend recitals as an attentive, responsible audience member as well as a participant. All students should plan on attending recitals for their entire length, which is usually from 1 1/2 to 2 hours. Noting recital dates on your family calendar will be helpful in creating a performing environment free from unnecessary distraction. Missing a recital or leaving a recital early is grounds for dismissal from the studio. Parents, other family members, teachers, and friends are invited to these recitals.
Appropriate performance attire:
Boys-long pants, dress shirt and tie, sport shirt, sweater, or suit jacket
Girls- dress, skirt and blouse, dress pants and blouse (remember that dresses/skirts should be knee length since the performer will be sitting down) NO JEANS!
- Parental Responsibilities
At some point, your child may say he/she is bored, doesn't want to practice, or wants to quit. 99% of all piano students say this at one or more points in their study! Do not allow giving up or quitting to be an option, any more than you would allow your child to quit math or reading because they find it difficult, boring, or do not want to do their homework. Interest, enjoyment, and dedication will naturally go through peaks and valleys when any new skill is being developed. Do not give up if your child appears to lose interest for a time. Instead, discuss this change with the teacher so that steps may be taken to remedy the situation. Students who persevere through difficult times often become the most successful musicians.
Please be sure to drop your child off and pick your child up on time. This studio observes a 5 minute drop off/pick up window. Please be certain that your child is safely inside my house before leaving. Remember, your child is your responsibility at all times, both before and after as well as during the lesson. Overall, be involved and be supportive!
The home piano should be tuned twice a year. This studio uses piano technician Lonnie Culp, for all piano maintenance.
Practice and Home Support: Quality practice outside of the lesson is essential to the student’s progress. Please encourage your child to develop consistent practice habits and provide a practice environment free of distractions. Encourage your child to practice daily by 1) helping the student find the time(s) that will consistently be used only for practice, 2) keeping the student free of other responsibilities during that time, and 3) keeping siblings and/or television, radio, etc. from interfering with and distracting the student during that time. Practicing is the joint responsibility of the student AND the parent. Students should strive to complete practice assignments on their own, but parents must be active in reminding the student to complete daily practice assignments should a student forget.
The study of music is rewarding and enjoyable, but it also takes diligence and hard work, on the part of the student as well as the parent!